Our logo, the crane.

Old York Road Genealogical Society

Based in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania








Welcome. We hope that you enjoy this site and invite you to join us for a meeting.

NOTE: Until further notice our programs will be via Zoom. A link to the presentations will be made available for our members. If you are not currently a member and are interested in our upcoming programs, please contact Andy Carr, OYRGS President

The Old York Road Genealogical Society (OYRGS) meets at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, year-round, at the Abington Township Public Library, 1030 Old York Rd., Abington, PA. Our meetings are free and open to the public. The programs include notable speakers on genealogical topics as well as discussions centered on a genealogical theme.

2024 Meetings

January 9 7:00: Meeting via Zoom. "What can I do with my DNA?" Thirteen things you can do with your DNA, from basics to more advanced options. Presenter: Peggy Jude.
February 13 7:00: Meeting via Zoom. "DNA Tools - A Tour." Learn about the six categories of DNA tools: what they are, how to use them, and what they can do for your research. They include notes, tagging, sorting, filters, combining matches, clustering, painting, and phasing. Presenter: Peggy Jude
March 12 7:00: Meeting via Zoom. "Jello Molds, Peacocks and Turtle Soup; Genealogy and the History of Food" My ancestor ate what? Learn more about how food history interacts with your family history, including food availability, food during war time, and what our immigrant ancestors ate. Speaker: Gena Philibert-Ortega
April 9 7:00: Meeing via Zoom and in-person. "First Ancestor to Arrive in North America Project" OYRGS members will present and discuss their first-to-America ancestor.
May 14 7:00: Meeing via Zoom and in-person. "My Treasured Family Artifacts" OYRGS members will show a family artifact and tell us about the memory it contains.
June 11 7:00: Meeing via Zoom and in-person. "Translating, Transcribing and Summarizing Documents Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)" Learn how to harness the power of artificial intelligence to assist in translating, transcribing, and summarizing a variety of genealogy records. Speaker: Thomas MacEntee, professional genealogist who specializes in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research.
July 9 7:00: Meeing via Zoom and in-person. "Advancing with Ancestry.com" Ancestry.com has recently changed a great deal with Ancestry DNA growing exponentially. At our meeting catch up on all the latest tools and tweaks so you can reach more rewarding results on your own. Speaker: Laura Street Chaplin. Laura began Willowtree Research Genealogy Services in 2013 and completed the Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research in 2014. She was History and Genealogy Manager at a local library and served as Director and Newsletter Editor for the Illinois State Genealogical Society.

During inclement weather, call the library at 215.885.5180 to confirm it will be open.

Content updated June 2024.

URL: http://www.oyrgs.org
© 2014 Old York Road Genealogical Society
Mailing address: c/o Abington Township Public Library, 1030 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001
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